Monthly Archives: September 2012

Obama did NOT End the War in Iraq

The HUGE misconception with ending the war in Iraq is Obama taking credit for ending said war. Facts are pesky things, especially when they prove a statement FALSE.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement-official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq

All US troops had to be out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.

Ironically, even publications like the Huffington Post reluctantly gave Bush credit for  ending the war, but now-a-days you will not hear them correct Obama when he claims HE ended the war; fact is, Obama even tried to engage the Iraqies into letting the US stay longer, to which they said no.

President Obama wanted to stay longer — as recently as a few weeks ago asking the Iraqi government to allow 10,000, then 3,000 troops to remain past New Year’s Eve.

Bush Ended War in Iraq Here

and Here

and Here

and Here

and Here

Millions of JOBS Shed under Obama

Let’s use the reports to see how many JOBS have been shed under Obama just since May 2012. We should have an unemployment rate below 6% based on Obama’s spending of close to $1 trillion and what he said he could get done, therefore the last few months should be indicative of how well Obama’s plan has worked out, right?

September 2012 Newly Unemployed:

September 1 = 367,000

September 8 = 385,000

September 15 = 385,000

September 22 = 359,000 (projected)

Still have 1 week left to report on

Total Newly Unemployed for September 2012 = 1.496 million no longer working!!


August 2012 Jobs Shed

August 4 = 364,000

August 11 = 369,000

August 18 = 374,000

August 25 = 377,000

Total Newly Unemployed for August 2012 = 1.484 million jobs shed


July 2012 Jobs Shed

July 7 = 352,000

July 14 = 388,000

July 21 = 357,000

July 28 = 367,000

Total Newly Unemployed for July 2012 = 1.464 million jobs shed

June 2012 Jobs Shed

June 9 = 389,000

June 16 = 392,000

June 23 = 388,000

June 39 = 376,000

Total Newly Unemployed for June 2012 = 1.545 million jobs shed


May 2012 Jobs Shed

May 5 = 370,000

May 12 = 372,000

May 19 = 373,000

May 26 = 389,000

Total Newly Unemployed for May 2012 = 1.504 million jobs shed


Do Nothing Democrat Congress – Senate Since January 2007

So, the mantra from the left is that Obama cannot do anything with a Do Nothing Congress; problem?

1. DEMOCRATS have owned the US Senate Since January 2007 under Harry Reid.

2. Democrats owned the US House from January 2007 to January 2011 under Nancy Pelosi

3. Democrats owed the White House from January 2009 through the Present

4. GOP has owned the US House from Jan 2011 through the Present

Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years

Maybe the DEMOCRATS should look at who has not only owned both Houses of Congress + the White House the majority of the past 5 yrs, but who currently ownes 2/3’s of the powers that be.

In the mean time, the GOP House took over January 2011 and this is what they have accomplished:

Reid complaining the the Democrat controlled Senate will not vote on appropriations bills because the GOP House dared to cut spending…. oh the horror…….”Reid faulted House Republicans for drafting appropriations bills under an overall spending cap — $1.028 trillion, lower than the $1.047 trillion level agreed on last year’s Budget Control Act. “That makes it hard to do these appropriations bills,” Reid said.”

1. Had to pass the 2011 budget that the Democrat House FAILED to pass by October 1, 2010 – Democrat Senate never passed a 2011 budget

2. Passed the 2012 budget as required by law – Democrats Senate never passed a 2012 budget

3. Passed the 2013 budget as required by law = Democrat Senate has still not passed the 2013 budget and it is due by October 1, 2012 as required by law

4. Pass 38 JOBS BILLS that not only is the Democrat Senate REFUSING to vote on, they have factually NOT passed any JOBS BILLS to be voted on by the Senate

So- when the left claims the Do Nothing Congress is the fault of the GOP, kindly remind them that the GOP House has done the following while the Democrat Senate has done nothing and that the DEMOCRATS own 2/3’s of the power!

Mitt Romney PAID an Effective Tax Rate of 20.2% over the Past 20 years

I am sure the Liberals heads are no officially EXPLODING!! Mitt Romney has effectively paid 20.2% in taxes over the past 20 yrs; with an income last year of $13 MILLION, he paid $2 MILLION in taxes and gave $4 MILLION to charity.

For the mathematically illiterate, this comes to: $6 million in charity and taxes / $13 million in income = 46% of his income HE DID NOT KEEP in 2011!!

To add more fuel to the Liberal head explosion – Romney’s accountant came forward today and stated that the Romney’s have paid their taxes 100% in full and always on time over the past 20 yrs.

What was that OBAMA, Harry Reid – Romney is a felon for not paying taxes the past 10 yrs????
WOW- now I see why Reid said that BS on the Senate floor; his rear would be sued for those statement had he said them in another place!!

I would be remiss if I left out this GEM- already: the left is coming UNHINGED because they believe Romney paid TOO MUCH in Taxes and to charity, you know because Biden paid 1% to charity and they both COMBINED paid less than Romney did for his 2011 tax bill!!!

Democrat James Carville Says “80% of Democrats Don’t Have a Clue as to Political Reality.”

*Saving just in case it Obamappears (“disappears”)*

Snidely Whiplash, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Jan 21, 2010

Not only is James Carville a scary looking, Skeletor type fella with a voice that is like fingernails on a chalkboard, but he’s also either very honest, very arrogant or very stupid. Either way, read the words of Mr. Carville and tell me whatcha think. Here is the direct quote as lifted from

“Ideologies aren’t all that important. What’s important is psychology.

The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running. That’s why I became an operative working with Democrats. With Democrats all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd.

Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don’t have a clue as to political reality.
What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that were the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there and you can get people to vote any way you want.

The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn’t have a clue than there were Republicans.

Truth is relative. Truth is what you can make the voter believe is the truth. If you’re smart enough, truth is what you make the voter think it is. That’s why I’m a Democrat. I can make the Democratic voters think whatever I want them to.”


And the lefties scream it is conservatives who are too stupid to live, huh? Let’s diagnose Mr. Carville’s words.

He equates Democrats to a “herd of cows” I guess to portray the ignorant follow the lead tail mentality. I worked on a farm for a time. Cows will follow the leader to Hell and back. Get the lead bovine to follow you, and the rest will indeed follow along, so I assume that was his reference.

As well he likens the treatment of Democrats as one would treat a stupid animal, as cows are not the brightest bulbs in the pack.

Then Carville gets to the good stuff where he admits Democrats are stupid – so stupid in fact he chose to align with them because it’s just too difficult to fool Republicans. Apparently Democrats do not think for themselves according to Mr. Carville. He thinks ya just plant a seed, stir ’em up and reap the support.

I love the quote “Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don’t have a clue as to political reality.” I have long maintained that Democrats are being led astray with falsehoods all to get them to follow along, and Carville proves this out with his words “That’s why I’m a Democrat. I can make the Democratic voters think whatever I want them to.”

Folks, what does it state about one’s ideology when the power brokers admit the people they lead are too stupid to see, or care for that matter, as to what the truth really is? How long have Conservatives screamed at Democrats “Your leaders are lying to you?” No matter how many times I present facts that are not even remotely open to debate as to their factual nature, I am told I am wrong, mistaken or a liar.

Now it just remains to be seen how Mr. Carville’s words and meanings will be interpreted by those he defamed – DEMOCRATS! Will they say Carville’s words are not really what he said? I am using undocumented sources? Blah, blah, blah? .

Of course in all this I take pride and solace in numerous aspects of Carville’s words. They prove that it is not Republican’s who are uninformed and clueless, as Carville admits Republicans are much more well informed and less able to be led astray as are Democrats. Carville admits the game of Democrat politics is just that – a game whereby it’s objective is to mislead people to incense them and get them to do what their power brokers need for them to do in order to see the Democrat brand advance an agenda.

Carville’s vocal and clear disdain for Democrat rank and file persons should cause them to abandon their playing “follow the leader.” Of course, I doubt that will happen. Remember, Democrats must convince themselves conservatism is all they have been lyingly told it was, or the only option left is to admit they have been played for fools.

James Carville’s words and sentiments leave little else to take from them. He became Democrat because Democrats are too stupid to know better. They are easy to fool and easy to get to go along, even as Carville offers “What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that were the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there and you can get people to vote any way you want.”

See. He admits they lie and are trying to create fear in the Democrat rank and file to get them to go along with the big wig’s desired agenda. And if one, as a Democrat, still refuses to accept the words of one of their own as to what the leadership is up to, they, the rank and file, will deserve what they are about to get come November.

Don’t say you weren’t told again and again. All that remains is to see if anyone has the pride to step up and scream “No! No more lies.” If they do that and open their mind to the truth we will see a new day. If not it will be more of the same – Democrats being led astray and lied to so their leaders can achieve what they are actually working for – unfettered and unchallenged power in perpetuity.

Remember, when it comes to stepping up and screaming “NO!” Republicans have been at that for a whole year now. Methinks if Democrats do not address this with extreme prejudice, they will prove Carville’s words true. I mean only an idiot or a person with no pride whatsoever would allow someone to slap ’em around, call ’em names and then that person still lines up for more future abuse.

Will Democrat rank and file do their own Tea Party type cleansing of their ranks, or as I suspect they will do, will they take the abuse then line up dutifully and ask, “Pleas Sir, may I have another?”

And they say Republicans are stupid liars – I think not – we know better then to let someone kick us in the teeth and then kindly ask for them to do it again, now don’t we?





Romney’s Entitlement Speech – He’s 100% Correct!

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

Citizens of Greece burning down buildings and destroying their streets because the Greece Parliament was FORCED to cut back on entitlements – they could no longer sustain their ENTITLEMENT spending!

If one ever wants to see the end result of an overwhelmed ENTITLEMENT SOCIETY, please reference what shape Greece or Spain or Italy, heck most of Europe is in; then you shall see what shall happen to America if this mentality is not reigned in. So, was Romney correct in his assesment of the American Entitlement Society back in May when a secret video camera capture a speech he was giving?

Yes, Romney was 100% correct and while what he said may not be “Politically Correct”, his comments were nonetheless fact!

As of 2011, if we were to erase 100% of our defense spending; our annual debt would go to 60%+ in ENTITLEMENT SPENDING …….

And because one paying for another persons education is factually NOT a right, here is what our entitlement spending is WITH education included – in 2013, next year we will factually reach $3 TRILLION in spending on ENTITLEMENT programs alone……….OVER $1 TRILLION spent on education an we are ranked 25th or worse in the world (get a clue: it isn’t a lack of money on the education system that is the problem)

We currently reside in a society, under President Barack Obama whereby we have record numbers on welfare + WIC + food stamps + unemployed or under employed + dropped out of the workforce entirely but are still capable of working + more on SS disability + lower education standards + Billions annually in Pell Grants + Fannie and Freddie Housing debacle + lower Global Competitiveness and the below is what the Democrat party embraces: Occupy Wall Street

Because nothing compares to the thousands complaining about not having a job or not getting free college education like protesting for weeks and, shocking NOT WORKING or going to college.

What is the mental capacity of an individual who believes they can protest for weeks demanding a job while they are actively NOT looking for one while in the process of complaining about not having one?

Reminds me of the old cocaine commercial where the guy says he has to work longer hours to make more money so he can do more coke so that he can work longer hours to make more money so he can do more coke….etc…etc….

So, when Romney states that we have an entitlement problem in this country; and that this election is about whether or not you believe in a country like Greece + Spain + Italy + most of Europe that has met its demise, or the country our Founding Fathers founded that says you have the right to make YOUR own destiny and NOTHING will be handed to you………those are your two choice come November 2012.

Government Entitlement for some at the expense of others and a country like Greece = Barack Obama


Self Reliance and hard work is YOUR success maintaining with the founding principles of America = Mitt Romney

Obama Failed to Provide Proper Security for US Diplomats in the Middle East on 9/11

By PHILIP EWING and JONATHAN ALLEN | 9/12/12 5:29 PM EDT Updated: 9/13/12 5:05 AM EDT

The consulate where the American ambassador to Libya was killed on Tuesday is an “interim facility” not protected by the contingent of Marines that safeguards embassies, POLITICO has learned.

Marine Corps spokeswoman Capt. Kendra Motz said that Marines were not posted to the consulate, unlike the embassy in the capital, Tripoli.

Why did Obama fail to provide proper and increased security for our US Diplomats serving in hostile territories in the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11? With the US Embassy in Libya being attacked in June 2012 and the White House given information several days prior to the attacks on 9/11/2012, why were our brave men and women not protected like Obama protected Valerie Jarrett who went on  vacation to Martha’s Vineyard?

Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have a Marine detail in Benghazi, Libya. But White House Senior Advisor and Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett has a full Secret Service detail on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, according to Democratic pollster Pat Caddell

Yes, you read that right; Valeria Jarrett had a more beefed up security detail so that she could go on vacation to Martha’s Vineyard than Obama provide for our Diplomats serving in the Middle East on 9/11.

While the Obama administration tries desperately to spin these attacks on a 14 minute youtube video as they so desperately need to hide their complete and total failure on foreign policy, the Libyan President and government agents on the ground who were in Libya when the evens all unfolded have stated – These attacks were PRE-PLANNED and to claim otherwise is ignorant.

Fact is – these attacks were more about Muslims Radicals hating America, hating Obama pounding his chest about Osama bin Lade (hence their chant: Obama, Obama we are all Osama….and We are 1.5 BILLIONS Osama’s!!!)  and the ease of being able to attak Americans due to Obama’s lackadaisical foreign policy.

The whole spiel about how Obama said he was going to bring peace to the middle east and more respect for America because he grew up in Indonesia and has a half sister who is a Muslim; yea, the Middle East does not ♥♥ Obama – In case Obama missed the clues!!!!!

Mitt Romney Personally Paid for VA Hospitals Milk Weekly for 2 Years – Annonymously

September 12, 2012:

Glenn… shared a story of a V.A. hospital in Boston that Mitt Romney stopped at while on the campaign trail running against Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy had made a thirty minute stop at the same location a couple of weeks prior.

After touring the V.A. hospital, Mitt asked to look at their books. After he spent forty minutes going through their books, he told them, “You run a very good place, very tight.  Very good.” Romney asked to go on another tour of the hospital, and after spending an hour and forty minutes there, the last question he asked was, “So what… what do you ‑‑ what are you lacking?  What do you need help with?”

The response? “Milk.”

Since the press was around, snapping photos and asking questions, Glenn explained that Romney did a really awkward joke where he said, “maybe we should teach everyone here how to milk a cow.”

Of course, that’s all the press cared to hear and ran with a story that claims “Mitt Romney says veterans should have to milks cows.”

“This is where it gets good,” Glenn started. “Romney calls him up the next morning.”

Romney first apologizes to the man who runs the hospital for any problems the attention from the press jumping on his words brought to the hospital. He next offers to help with the milks situation.

“Friday comes, and the milkman comes,” Glenn continues. “This is what the vets needed – they needed 7,000 pints of milk a week.  Milkman shows up, 7,000 pints.  The head of the V.A. hospital asks, “Where did all this come from?”  He [the milkman] said “an anonymous donor.”  Now, the guy didn’t put it together.”

Glenn explains that when the next week rolled around, the milkman shows up again, and continued to show up every week for two years. After two years of delivering 7,000 pints of milk a week to the hospital, as the milkman is retiring, the man finally gets him to reveal the anonymous donor.

It’s Mitt Romney.

“Mitt Romney was writing a personal check and didn’t want anybody to know for two years and provided the vets with all of their milk in Boston,” Glenn explained to listeners this morning.

When Romney became governor, he sent a bill through to help the V.A. hospital – it was down to the dollar. This man told Glenn, “if you want a mechanic on the economy? It’s this guy. He [Mitt Romney] went and he looked at the books first. He wanted to see what we were doing and how effective we were.  He said then, beyond that, the milk.  He did that and he didn’t want anything ‑‑ he didn’t want anyone to know.”

No one is telling America these stories – but Friday, Glenn will.

“The stories you’ll hear on Friday are incredible.  Our people found them.  And we didn’t send investigators.  Nobody’s going through anybody’s garbage.  We just started to look.  And the stories we found, I’m telling you, I apologize to Mitt Romney and his family for being so blind and not seeing who he was.  That does not mean I’m going to agree with all of his policies, but I am blind.  I have been saying we need to find George Washington, a man of true character and honor and decency.  When you watch the show on Friday, you will ‑‑ I’m convinced you will feel exactly the same way I do.”

This Friday on TheBlaze TV, Glenn will be joined by this man and many other to tell the stories about Mitt Romney the media won’t tell you – the stories you’ve been longing to hear about a politician in this country. Don’t miss it!

US Ambassador Murdered – Egypt and Libya in Flames: Obama Rarely Attends Security Meetings

Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was killed Tuesday night, September 11, 2012 when he and a group of embassy employees went to the consulate to try to evacuate staff. The Muslim protesters were firing gunshots and rocket-propelled grenades.

September 11, 2012 via Yahoo: Al-Zawahri also urged Libyans — al-Libi was born in the north African country — to attack Americans to avenge the late militant’s death, saying his “blood is calling, urging and inciting you to fight and kill the Crusaders.

Not even 24 hours after the request to attack Americans; the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens and three other American staff members were killed Tuesday in an attack on the U.S. consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi; the first time a US Ambassador has been killed since 1979, when the Ambassador was murderer in Afghanistan.

Libya has been taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt has taken over the Muslim brotherhood, all with the help of BILLIONS of our Tax Dollars given to them by Obama administration. In light of the US Embassies being attacked and set on fire in Libya and in Egypt, those attacking the US Embassy in Egypt did so on 9/11 while chanting ” we are all Osama bin Laden”. The response from the White House/US Embassy staff in Egypt:

The U.S. embassy in Cairo put out the following statement early Tuesday 9/11/12:

“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.”

Again, instead of dealing and addressing what is right in front of their faces, they are hell bent on being politically correct despite the FACT that this attack occurred on 9/11 while they were chanting they are all OBL. “… hurt the feelings of Muslims…” are you kidding me?

And, no matter what politic spectrum you sit on, I 100% agree with the following statement that was released after these horrific attacks:  It is “disgraceful” that the Obama administration’s initial response was to “sympathize” with the Muslim demonstrators.

So, when we find out that President Obama, via the Government Accountability Institute who issued the report that said Obama had attended just 43.8 percent of his daily briefings, a figure the White House did not dispute”, what exactly are we to think?

Who is leading our National and  Security details if Obama cannot even be bothered with attending his daily briefings?
During the assault on the U.S. embassy in Egypt, demonstrators reportedly chanted “Obama! Obama! We are all Osama!” They yelled this obvious reference to Osama bin Laden as an al Qaeda-style flag was hoisted and the American flag brought down.

National Police Union Refuses to Endorse Obama, First Such Refusal in its History

Like you, I was taken aback that a UNION was refusing to endorse an INCUMBENT Democrat President; heck, they were refusing to endorse a Democrat period. Unions, rarely refuse to vote for a Democrat, but the Fraternal Order of Police have refused to endorse either Presidential Candidate in 2012.

In 1988 – the FOP endorsed (for the first time nationally) Republican George HW Bush

In 1992 – The FOP endorsed Republican George HW Bush

In 1996 – the FOP endorsed Democrat Bill Clinton

In 2000 – the FOP endorsed Republican George W Bush

In 2004 – the FOP endorsed Republican George W Bush

In 2008 – the FOP endorsed Republican John McCain

In 2012 – the FOP has not come out and endorsed either candidate 

For the first time in our history, and only after careful consideration of the candidates’ records and their responses to our questions, we have determined in this instance the Fraternal Order of Police will not make a Presidential endorsement,” Canterbury said.