Category Archives: Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney PAID an Effective Tax Rate of 20.2% over the Past 20 years

I am sure the Liberals heads are no officially EXPLODING!! Mitt Romney has effectively paid 20.2% in taxes over the past 20 yrs; with an income last year of $13 MILLION, he paid $2 MILLION in taxes and gave $4 MILLION to charity.

For the mathematically illiterate, this comes to: $6 million in charity and taxes / $13 million in income = 46% of his income HE DID NOT KEEP in 2011!!

To add more fuel to the Liberal head explosion – Romney’s accountant came forward today and stated that the Romney’s have paid their taxes 100% in full and always on time over the past 20 yrs.

What was that OBAMA, Harry Reid – Romney is a felon for not paying taxes the past 10 yrs????
WOW- now I see why Reid said that BS on the Senate floor; his rear would be sued for those statement had he said them in another place!!

I would be remiss if I left out this GEM- already: the left is coming UNHINGED because they believe Romney paid TOO MUCH in Taxes and to charity, you know because Biden paid 1% to charity and they both COMBINED paid less than Romney did for his 2011 tax bill!!!

Romney’s Entitlement Speech – He’s 100% Correct!

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

Citizens of Greece burning down buildings and destroying their streets because the Greece Parliament was FORCED to cut back on entitlements – they could no longer sustain their ENTITLEMENT spending!

If one ever wants to see the end result of an overwhelmed ENTITLEMENT SOCIETY, please reference what shape Greece or Spain or Italy, heck most of Europe is in; then you shall see what shall happen to America if this mentality is not reigned in. So, was Romney correct in his assesment of the American Entitlement Society back in May when a secret video camera capture a speech he was giving?

Yes, Romney was 100% correct and while what he said may not be “Politically Correct”, his comments were nonetheless fact!

As of 2011, if we were to erase 100% of our defense spending; our annual debt would go to 60%+ in ENTITLEMENT SPENDING …….

And because one paying for another persons education is factually NOT a right, here is what our entitlement spending is WITH education included – in 2013, next year we will factually reach $3 TRILLION in spending on ENTITLEMENT programs alone……….OVER $1 TRILLION spent on education an we are ranked 25th or worse in the world (get a clue: it isn’t a lack of money on the education system that is the problem)

We currently reside in a society, under President Barack Obama whereby we have record numbers on welfare + WIC + food stamps + unemployed or under employed + dropped out of the workforce entirely but are still capable of working + more on SS disability + lower education standards + Billions annually in Pell Grants + Fannie and Freddie Housing debacle + lower Global Competitiveness and the below is what the Democrat party embraces: Occupy Wall Street

Because nothing compares to the thousands complaining about not having a job or not getting free college education like protesting for weeks and, shocking NOT WORKING or going to college.

What is the mental capacity of an individual who believes they can protest for weeks demanding a job while they are actively NOT looking for one while in the process of complaining about not having one?

Reminds me of the old cocaine commercial where the guy says he has to work longer hours to make more money so he can do more coke so that he can work longer hours to make more money so he can do more coke….etc…etc….

So, when Romney states that we have an entitlement problem in this country; and that this election is about whether or not you believe in a country like Greece + Spain + Italy + most of Europe that has met its demise, or the country our Founding Fathers founded that says you have the right to make YOUR own destiny and NOTHING will be handed to you………those are your two choice come November 2012.

Government Entitlement for some at the expense of others and a country like Greece = Barack Obama


Self Reliance and hard work is YOUR success maintaining with the founding principles of America = Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Personally Paid for VA Hospitals Milk Weekly for 2 Years – Annonymously

September 12, 2012:

Glenn… shared a story of a V.A. hospital in Boston that Mitt Romney stopped at while on the campaign trail running against Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy had made a thirty minute stop at the same location a couple of weeks prior.

After touring the V.A. hospital, Mitt asked to look at their books. After he spent forty minutes going through their books, he told them, “You run a very good place, very tight.  Very good.” Romney asked to go on another tour of the hospital, and after spending an hour and forty minutes there, the last question he asked was, “So what… what do you ‑‑ what are you lacking?  What do you need help with?”

The response? “Milk.”

Since the press was around, snapping photos and asking questions, Glenn explained that Romney did a really awkward joke where he said, “maybe we should teach everyone here how to milk a cow.”

Of course, that’s all the press cared to hear and ran with a story that claims “Mitt Romney says veterans should have to milks cows.”

“This is where it gets good,” Glenn started. “Romney calls him up the next morning.”

Romney first apologizes to the man who runs the hospital for any problems the attention from the press jumping on his words brought to the hospital. He next offers to help with the milks situation.

“Friday comes, and the milkman comes,” Glenn continues. “This is what the vets needed – they needed 7,000 pints of milk a week.  Milkman shows up, 7,000 pints.  The head of the V.A. hospital asks, “Where did all this come from?”  He [the milkman] said “an anonymous donor.”  Now, the guy didn’t put it together.”

Glenn explains that when the next week rolled around, the milkman shows up again, and continued to show up every week for two years. After two years of delivering 7,000 pints of milk a week to the hospital, as the milkman is retiring, the man finally gets him to reveal the anonymous donor.

It’s Mitt Romney.

“Mitt Romney was writing a personal check and didn’t want anybody to know for two years and provided the vets with all of their milk in Boston,” Glenn explained to listeners this morning.

When Romney became governor, he sent a bill through to help the V.A. hospital – it was down to the dollar. This man told Glenn, “if you want a mechanic on the economy? It’s this guy. He [Mitt Romney] went and he looked at the books first. He wanted to see what we were doing and how effective we were.  He said then, beyond that, the milk.  He did that and he didn’t want anything ‑‑ he didn’t want anyone to know.”

No one is telling America these stories – but Friday, Glenn will.

“The stories you’ll hear on Friday are incredible.  Our people found them.  And we didn’t send investigators.  Nobody’s going through anybody’s garbage.  We just started to look.  And the stories we found, I’m telling you, I apologize to Mitt Romney and his family for being so blind and not seeing who he was.  That does not mean I’m going to agree with all of his policies, but I am blind.  I have been saying we need to find George Washington, a man of true character and honor and decency.  When you watch the show on Friday, you will ‑‑ I’m convinced you will feel exactly the same way I do.”

This Friday on TheBlaze TV, Glenn will be joined by this man and many other to tell the stories about Mitt Romney the media won’t tell you – the stories you’ve been longing to hear about a politician in this country. Don’t miss it!

Romney Already Proving he can Boost Sales and Keep Americans Employed

The stock price for Ohio Art Co, which manufactures the Etch-A-Sketch more than tripled thanks to Romney …….. the man is already proving he can boost business sales and keep jobs!!! ☺☺

Puerto Rico: Romney Sweeps Hawaii, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Guam and Northern Marianas

With Romney’s clearly huge wins in Guam + Northern Marianas + US Virgin Islands + American Samoa + Hawaii = Romney picking up 45 of the 53 delegates available making him the CLEAR WINNER of these elections!!!!

What we clearly are not hearing from the liberal media are the plethora of clear SWEEPS Romney has picked up in US Territories along with the big win in Hawaii. It is, of course no surprise after witnessing what the DNC and Big Unions did in Michigan by calling out all Democrats to vote for Santorum in the GOP open primary process in that state.

But alas, despite the DNC and BIG UNIONS trying to circumvent the GOP election process, Romney still has 1,190, 681 MILLION more hard count votes than Santorum + 260 more delegates than Santorum and has won more elections than Santorum.

Point: The Liberal Media are trying their damnedest to get Santorum elected to face off against Obama; at this moment in time, they have failed!!!

2012 GOP Primary Evolving Delegate Count & State Win Map

2012 GOP Popular Vote Tally

Romney Sweeps Guam Delegates taking all 9

Romney Sweeps Northern Mariana taking all 9

Romney Sweeps American Samoa Delegates taking all 9

Romney wins 7 of the 9 delegates in US Virgin Islands with 1 delegate Uncommitted

Romney Wins Hawaii and picks up 9 more delegates with 3 still uncommitted

Mitt Romney for President 2012