Monthly Archives: July 2009

Congresswoman Bachmann Speaks Out Against Denial of Care for Disabled

Congresswoman Bachmann Speaks Out Against Denial of Care for Disabled

Congresswoman Bachmann spoke against the Obama administration’s plans to cut costs by denying treatment to the disabled, July 27, 2009 via C-SPAN
Thanks to for the find.

Raging Elephants ~ Black Republican Leader


Gene Green Voted to Afford Illegal Aliens Access to Tax Payer Funded Health Care

Gene Green Voted to Afford Illegal Aliens Access to Tax Payer Funded Health Care

Why can’t they go back to their own country and receive their governments health care instead of draining our systems?

Gene Green is a FARSE! He votes in favor of allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS having access to our healt care, education, welfare system, while standing in this picture with a US Customs Officer who briefs him on the Port of Houston Security Issues!!!!!

Gene Green is a FARSE! He votes in favor of allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS having access to our healt care, education, welfare system, while standing in this picture with a US Customs Officer who briefs him on the Port of Houston Security Issues!!!!!

Gene Green MUST be voted out of office!!!!

For those in Houston, Gene will be at the following locations NEXT WEEK……..MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD!!!

Here is his calendar for next week:

If you cannot come out next week……Call and Fax Gene Green to Stess How Much you do NOT appreciate the fact that he is allocating your tax paying dollars towards giving health care, education, welfare, food stamps, housing assistance to ILLEGAL ALIENS!

DC office
2372 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-1688 tel
(202) 225-9903 fax

District offices
256 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E.
Suite 29
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 999-5879 tel
(281) 999-5716 fax

11811 I-10 East, Suite 430
Houston, TX 77029
(713) 330-0761 tel
(713) 330-0807 fax

909 Decker Drive, Suite 124
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 420-0502 tel
(281) 420-0585 fax

Jobs for American Workers, NOT Illegal Aliens ~ Petition

Sign the Jobs for American Workers, NOT Illegal Aliens ~ Petition here:

Stop Pelosi, Obama and Reid from stripping workplace enforcement like they did last winter.Send this petition to keep E-Verify, Fence and No-Match amendments in the Homeland Security Bill

and open up jobs to unemployed Americans.

Zach Space (D-Ohio) Sponsored an Amendment to Give Illegal Aliens Health Care Coverage under New Bill

Ohio’s Democrat Senator, Zack Space Sponsored an Amendment that will ALLOW Illegal Aliens to RECIEVE MANDATORY health care coverage. Now, I am not a rocket scientist but I am pretty sure that the hard working LEGAL Men and Women of OHIO do NOT Want to fund any kind of benefits for Illegal Aliens with THEIR HARD EARN MONEY! Send them back to their OWN country and let THEIR COUNTRY provide health care coverage!!!!
Ohio's Zach Space wants to use YOUR Money to take care of Illegal Aliens

Ohio's Zach Space wants to use YOUR Money to take care of Illegal Aliens

Friday, July 31, 2009, 5:40 PM

**Hey OHIO…….yooooo hooooo……….Zack Space wants to Spend YOUR money on Illegal Aliens who break the law and either  put very little if anything into our systems…….this is YOUR money at work…….VOTE HIME OUT!!!!!

Rep. Zack Space Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee endorsed an amendment sponsored by Rep. Zack Space (D-Ohio) that was designed to provide political cover for Representatives who want to give illegal aliens benefits under the healthcare reform bill (H.R. 3200).

The amendment’s language reaffirms current law, which prohibits illegal aliens from applying for state Medicaid and child health insurance programs, but does not require states to verify whether applicants are actually eligible to apply. Therefore, H.R. 3200 will continue to allow states to require little more than an attestation of citizenship in benefit applications.

Under the health care bill, states would be required to automatically enroll non-traditional Medicaid individuals to the proposed government-run option. An amendment offered yesterday by Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) would have required states to verify an individual’s citizenship status before automatically enrolling them. That amendment was defeated by one vote. Rep. Space, the sponsor of today’s amendment, was one of those who opposed the Deal amendment.

The fiscal crisis in California gives lie to those talking points. In March, the Associated Press reported that Sacramento and Contra Costa counties were slashing staff and closing clinics due to the prohibitive costs of providing non-emergency health services for illegal immigrants.

“The general situation there is being faced by nearly every health department across the country, and if not right now, shortly,” Robert M. Pestronk, executive director of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, told AP.

The Texas state comptroller put the price tag for illegal-alien hospital care at $1.3 billion in 2006. USA Today reported that from 2001 to 2004, spending for emergency Medicaid for illegal immigrants rose by 28% in North Carolina alone. Clinics across the Midwest have also been shuttered under the weight of illegal immigrant care costs.

At a time when Democratic leaders are pushing rationed care in a world of limited resources, Americans might wonder where the call for shared sacrifice is from illegal immigrant patients like those in Los Angeles getting free liver and kidney transplants at UCLA Medical Center.

Obama, Gates & Crowley ~ When a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


I am stunned that the official White House Blog published this picture and that it is in the public domain. The body language is most revealing.

Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped  Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama, heedless of the infirmities of his friend and fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own.
So who is compassionate? And who is so self-involved and arrogant that he is oblivious?
In my own dealings with the wealthy and powerful, I have always found that the way to quickly capture the moral essence of a person is to watch how they treat those who are less powerful. Do they understand that the others are also human beings with feelings? Especially when they think nobody is looking.
Hat tip: Rick Richman 

Update from Thomas Lifson:

I think this photo constitutes another major Obama blunder.
As some AT commentators point out, this picture becomes a metaphor for ObamaCare. The elderly are left in the back, with only the kindness of the Crowleys of the world, the stand up guys, to depend on.
The government has other priorities.
One of the major subtexts of the health care debate involves the public’s fear of indifferent, powerful bureaucrats ruling their lives. It is one thing to wait in line at the DMV to find out which other line you should wait in, in order to begin the process of waiting for multiple bureaucrats to go through the motions of processing your request. I have spent entire afternoons going through this process.
But when we get to health care, waiting often means enduring pain and dysfunction longer than necessary, sometimes a worsening of the condition, and sometimes death.
That’s why I think this image will have genuine resonance. It captures something that older Americans in particular can relate to. The President presses ahead with a program that will tell them to take painkillers instead of getting that artificial hip.
At every stage of the entire Gates affair, Obama has provided a revealing tell. The “acted stupidly” blunder revealed that he automatically blames the police and thinks they really are stupid to begin with. It didn’t trigger a single alarm bell in his mind as he figured out what to say.
Then, the non-apology apology revealed an arrogant man who cannot do what honest people do: admit it when they make a mistake.
Now at stage three, the beer photo op looked OK. It didn’t turn into a disaster.
But then in a small moment that nobody in the White House had the brains to understand, Obama goes and send a body language message like this.
I think he is going to get deeper and deeper into trouble. He is no longer repeating the familiar scripts dreamed up for the campaign. He was a master performer.
But when he goes improv, as a president must do, he lets his true character show. This helps widen the level of doubt that Obama is the same guy a majority voted for.  Those doubts can only grow.
Andrew McCarthy has assembled an overwhelming case that Obama has lied about who he is. I predict that more and more Americans will become open to the argument that they have been had by a sophisticated and ruthless effort to foist a phony on America.
Thanks JC for the find….


Government Run Health Care VA Hospitals Do NOT Meet Needs of Soldiers

Government Run VA Hospitals are understaffed, over worked and turning soldiers away to private facilities because they cannot accommodate the soldiers in a timely manner.

By Gregg Zoroya, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The number of Army medical centers and clinics that provide timely access to routine medical care has hit a five-year low, Army records show, often forcing soldiers and their families to seek treatment off base.

About 16% of Army patients, particularly family members, can’t get appointments with their primary physicians and are sent to doctors off the installation, according to the results of a nine-month Army review finished late last year. Some of those patients end up in emergency rooms or urgent care centers, says the study, which the Army provided to USA TODAY.


Army records show that 26 of its medical centers, hospitals and clinics are unable to meet the Pentagon standard requiring that 90% of patients get routine care appointments within seven days.

Those are the worst results since the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a 13% increase from 2005 in the number of medical facilities unable to meet the standard.


This year, the Army surgeon general, Lt. Gen. Eric Schoomaker, authorized 12 medical facilities with the worst access problems to hire more primary care doctors, says Col. Ken Canestrini, who’s in charge of improving access to health care for soldiers and their families. 

Although 85% of patients get in to see their doctors, Canestrini says, Army officials understand the others are unhappy about not receiving the access they want.

The Army deserves a C— grade for access, says Sheila Casey, the wife of Gen. George Casey, the Army chief of staff. She regularly tours Army bases to meet with military spouses.

The Army doesn’t have enough doctors to provide care both to families and soldiers at home and to those in combat, say Casey, Canestrini and Col. Jonathan Jaffin, the surgeon general’s director of health policy and services.

Hospital commanders have overloaded their base physicians with too many patients, Canestrini says, so appointments to see doctors are quickly used up.Schoomaker ordered the off-base medical visits to make it easier for families to receive care, even if it costs more, Jaffin says.



Health Care Bill-as it stands now- WILL Destroy Small Businesses


Picture5Democrats’ Health Bill Could Handicap Small Businesses
By John Boehner
Special to CNN

Editor’s note: Rep. John Boehner, of Ohio, is the House Minority Leader.

Before I was elected to Congress, I ran a small plastics packaging business in Cincinnati, Ohio, providing products and services, creating jobs and meeting payroll.

Thanks to the 1974 Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which shields employers who offer benefits to their employees from being pummeled by laws that vary from state to state, I was also able to offer health care and pension benefits to my employees.

As every small-business owner knows, this can be quite a balancing act, but I count it as one of the most rewarding times of my life — a time that led to my service in Congress.

Whenever I cast a major vote in the House, I find myself thinking back to those days and how the policies we are debating will affect small businesses like mine. After all, I first decided to run for elective office because government — at all levels — was too often an impediment to my firm’s success.

With Blue Dog Democrats having announced a “deal” with congressional Democratic leaders to move forward on health care legislation after the August legislative break, I’ve again put myself back into the shoes of a small-business man.

Unfortunately, the Democratic chairmen of the three House committees that crafted the legislation don’t have that same type of real-world experience. None of them have run a business before — and looking at this legislation, it shows.

Rather than helping small businesses with common-sense solutions to make health care more affordable, the Democrats’ bill actually creates a climate that destroys jobs and does nothing to slow the cost-shifting to businesses and employees that is one of the fundamental problems with health care in our country today.

At the heart of the Democrats’ plan are an income tax surcharge that will fall heavily on entrepreneurs who run small businesses and a harsh mandate that requires employers to provide health care or face a penalty — a mandate that could eviscerate ERISA by persuading employers to stop offering health care benefits to their employees.

After five years, the Democrats’ legislation requires all employer-provided health care plans to be approved by the Department of Labor and a new health choices commissioner. Employers that do not provide a plan would be forced to pay an 8 percent payroll tax. Incredibly, employers could be slapped with this penalty even if an employee is offered quality health coverage and refuses it.

Because this tax is — in most instances — less costly than providing a health care plan, many employers will simply forgo employee health benefits. That’s why a June 15, 2009, study by the Congressional Budget Office warns that Democratic legislation could force 15 million Americans who currently receive their health coverage through their employers — not to mention 8 million Americans who receive health care from other sources — onto the government rolls.

Republicans believe we can achieve real health care reform without destroying jobs and undermining ERISA. In the House, we’ve outlined a plan to strengthen the employer-provided health care system. Our proposal establishes small-business health plans, which allow smaller firms to band together through associations and purchase quality health care — even across state lines — at a more affordable cost.

It provides small businesses tax credits to defray the administrative costs of providing health coverage for their employees. It gives states incentives to reform their insurance markets so insurance companies are able to compete and increase employers’ and employees’ purchasing power. And it reins in junk lawsuits that lead to defensive medicine and higher premiums.

To expand access to quality care, our proposal includes tax credits so those who are uninsured can purchase plans that work for them. It promotes health savings accounts that give employees more control over their own health care decisions. And it ends the bias many insurance companies have shown against those with pre-existing conditions, while focusing on innovative preventive care and wellness programs.

The plan supported by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders rejects virtually all of these reforms and places blind faith in a massive new government bureaucracy that the Congressional Budget Office warns will drive health care costs — not to mention the federal debt we’ll pass along to future generations — higher than ever. And it begins with the tax-and-mandate scheme that undermines the employer-provided health care system that has made it possible for small businesses like the one I used to run to provide health benefits for millions of our employees.

House Republicans have laid out common-sense solutions to confront the heart of our health care crisis: soaring costs being shifted onto businesses and employees at an unmanageable pace. On behalf of our nation’s small businesses and the millions to whom they provide jobs and benefits, I hope the speaker reconsiders her “go-it-alone” approach.

When Congress returns to work in September, we need to build on what works in health care, rather than replacing it with a one-size-fits-all government-run system that will destroy jobs by squeezing payrolls and force millions of employers to stop offering health care benefits.

Illegal Aliens, as of Now, Will Receive Tax Payer Funded Health Care Benefits


Yesterday Republicans introduced an amendment that would close ANY and ALL possible loop holes in the “newly” designed Health Care Reform Bill that could give illegal aliens access to Health Care coverage that the TAX PAYERS foot the bill for.

Waxman argued that right now, states are bound by laws that if an individual seeks medical assistance via medicaid they must show proof they are a legal citizens, and he worries that the suggested added amendment would make it harder for people in emergencies to get assistance, or  the idea that it makes it harder for legal citizens because they do not have their identification with them.

Are we seriously starting the identification issue?

Waxman then went on to say that the illegal aliens taking advantave of the systems are very few. Not so fast says one congressman who gave valid factual statistics from several states were 5%, 12%, 15% etc..etc..etc.. take advantage of the systems, which tax payers in each STATE foot the bill.

A WISE Congressman used his 5 minutes last night and stated “California is TOLD to give illegal aliens a state ID, therefore in the eyes of the state because they walk in with an ID there is no reason to question their legal status”. He then went on to state that, -I think it was one of the Dakota’s that his wife worked in the social service industry for- where they were told they could not even ask if someone was a legal citizen let alone verify for legal and tak payer purposes.

Again, the Republicans offered up an amendment that would ensure illegal alilens would not be covered under tax payer funded health care, an amendment mind you that would save tax payers and our deficit somewhere in the billions of dollars over the course of the 10 yrs, and yet the Democrats shot it down.

Are you kidding me? Illegal aliens are issued state ID’s and because they have ID’s they can have access to EVERYTHING legal citizens have access to?

And California wonders why their state is bankrupt.

Sgt Leon K Lashley Letter Regarding Gates Arrest: Does not Appreciate Being Called an “Uncle Tom” for Telling the Truth


An email from the black police officer who assisted Sgt Crowley with the arrest of Gates, Leon K. Lashley, saying that he sent a letter with Crowley, in part reading that after coming to the defense of Crowley he had been called an “Uncle Tom.”

“One of the major problems stemming from the events of July 16 is that I, now known as ‘the black sergeant’, have had my image plastered all over the internet, television and newspapers. Subsquently, I have also become known, at least to some, as an ‘Uncle Tom.”

I am forced to ponder the notion that as a result of speaking the truth and coming to the defense of a friend and collegue, who just happens to be white, that I have somehow betrayed my heritage.

Please convey my concerns to the President that Mr. Gates’ actions may have caused grave and potentially irreparable harm to the struggle for racial harmony in this country and perhaps throughout the world.

In closing, I would simply like to ask that Mr. Gates deeply reflect on the events that have unfolded since July 16 and ask himself the following questions: “What can I do to help heal the rift caused by some of my actions?; What responsibility do I bear for what occurred on July 16, 2009?; Is there anything I can do to mitigate the damage done to the reputations of two respected Police Officers?”


Sgt. Leon Lashley says Gates was probably tired and surprised when Sgt. James Crowley demanded identification from him as officers investigated a report of a burglary. Lashley says Gates’ reaction to Crowley was “a little bit stranger than it should have been.”

Asked if Gates should have been arrested, Lashley said supported Crowley “100 percent.”