Monthly Archives: October 2012

Classless President: Barack Obama Literally Calls Mitt Romney a Bullshitter

One would figure that if a person holds the position of the US Presidency, that this person would carry him/herself with a tad bit of respect, decorum. Apparently not so with President Barack Obama. In an interview with Rolling Stones, Barack Obama calls Mitt Romney a ‘Bull Shitter” while he is addressing how a young child supports Obama. Even more insulting is Obama called Romney as “Bullshitter’ as though the thought was coming from the child.

Because repetitively calling Mitt Romney a ‘Liar’ on the campaign trail; or running million dollar ads in several states calling Romney a ‘Murderer’, or how the Obama campaign labeled Mitt Romney a ‘Felon’ because he did not offer up enough of his tax returns to satisfy Barack Obama; because those literally baseless labels and libelous accusations were not enough for a sitting President of the United States, he had to invoke labeling Romney as a ‘Bull Shitter” to accomplish what, how “cool” he is?

But never fear, those awesome investigative journalists are not covering up the last reem of emails from intelligence agency that reveal Barack Obama and Joe Biden were told that the attack on Libya that killed 4 Americans was in fact a TERRORIST attack; in fact, they knew within a few short hours that the attack was a TERRORIST attack with no relevance to the BS video they were peddling.

Respect for the Office of the Presidency of the United States is increasingly becoming as relevant as the Nobel Peace Prize- what’s the point?

Presidential Debate – Barack Obama’s Lie on Romney and Auto Bailout

When Obama opened up with his usual talking points on the GM Auto bailout and where Mitt Romney stood, what he “allegedly said”, Romney was finally offered an opening to state what he FACTUALLY said. One could tell, as it was blatantly obvious that Obama was dreading Romney clarifying the Obama lie; the constant interrupting of Romney by Obama was proof positive Obama was worried about the truth coming out.

Ironically the op-ed piece was via the NYTIMES, ergo it is not as though one could accuse a “right wing source” of covering up for Romney; no, the November 18, 2008 NYTIMES piece is easily Googled and in black-and-white.

Actual quote from Romney’s article ” A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk. “

What do other Fact Checkers Say?:

“Romney Is Correct In That He Called For A ‘Managed Bankruptcy.’” “Although ‘bankrupt’ often conjures up images of liquidation, Romney is correct in that he called for a ‘managed bankruptcy.’ This is a process in which the company uses the bankruptcy code to discharge its debts, but emerges from the process a leaner, less leveraged company. Ultimately, along with getting nearly $80 billion in loans and other assistance from the Bush and Obama administrations, GM and Chrysler did go through a managed bankruptcy.” (Glenn Kessler, “Fact Check: The Auto Industry Bailout,” The Washington Post, 10/22/12)

THE FACTS: Time’s Michael Scherer: “Obama is wrong. Romney supported guarantees in bankruptcy. ‘The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing’” (Michael Scherer, Twitter Feed, 10/22/12)

THE FACTS: Romney Argued “The Federal Government Should Provide Guarantees For Post-Bankruptcy Financing And Assure Car Buyers That Their Warranties Are Not At Risk. So At Least On That Point, Again, Romney Seems To Have Had The Record Straight.” FOX NEWS’ CHRIS WALLACE: “Finally, very briefly on the auto bailout, in an editorial that Romney wrote in November of 2008, which had the headline he didn’t write it, let Detroit go bankrupt. He did argue for bankruptcy, a managed bankruptcy but at the end he said: the federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk. So at least on that point, again, Romney seems to have had the record straight.” (Fox News, 10/22/12)

THE FACTS: “Obama says Romney wouldn’t have provide any gov’t assistance for automakers. But Romney did propose loan guarantees.” (, Twitter Feed, 10/22/12)

THE FACTS: CNBC’s Scott Cohn: “Mitt Romney Did Not Write In That 2008 Op-Ed That He Wanted To Liquidate The Auto Industry. He Did Say He Wanted It Restructured Through Bankruptcy.” CNBC’s SCOTT COHN: “Well, Mitt Romney did not write in that 2008 op-ed that he wanted to liquidate the auto industry. He did say he wanted it restructured through bankruptcy with government guarantees after bankruptcy. That is a key difference from what happened, with the government providing financing for bankruptcy.” (CNBC, 10/22/12)

BAYONETS – Hey Obama, YOUR US Marines Use Bayonets in War!

In tonights 3rd Presidential debate, Barack Obama thought he was being a smart ass when he mentioned that it is not 1916 anymore and we have gone far beyond Horses and Bayonets. Really Obama? You really do not know that our US MARINES still use BAYONETS in combat?

And you are the commander-in-chief? As though your smug smart ass comment were not enough, you showed just how ignorant you are towards our US military and what they use to enter into combat under YOUR direction!

Reminds me of Obama speaking at a Memorial Day event saying they were there to recognize the soldiers who are alive – SMH*

Or when he called our soldiers Corpse men instead of Corpsmen.

US Marines @ Bayonet Practice

Whoopi Goldberg, Bullying Ann Romney, is a Card Carrying IDIOT

Before I begin – did Whoopi get her man panties in a wad when Clinton factually DODGED the draft, or after many dodging attempts by Biden, he was able to get his High School asthma re-admitted to get him out of the draft?

As though we already did not know Whoopi was massively in the tank for Obama, she has proven once again just how IGNORANT she is about facts and the world around her. Good Grief – who the hell still watches The View anyway?

FYI- Romney was factually in the Vietnam Draft, matter of public record his number was 300!

As first lady, if you get the job, it’s going to entail a lot of things, and one of those things is going to be talking to the mothers whose children are coming home in bags, you know, from wars,” Goldberg said. “Now, I believe that your religion doesn’t allow you to go fight?”

Forget the fact that Obama NEVER served in the Military or any mission, Whoopi attempts to trap Ann Romney on the whole Mormon/Military service requirement or lack of. Good grief, Whoopi do society a favor and go retire in, yes IN a mountain somewhere.

“No, that’s not correct,” Romney answered. “He was serving his mission and you know my five sons have also served missions. None served in the military. But I do have one son that feels that he’s giving back to his country in a significant way, where he is now a doctor and he is taking care of veterans. We find different ways of serving. My five boys and my husband did serve missions, but did not serve in the military.”

ATTENTION Whoopi – Where is Obama’s Military Record? How on earth is he greeting “bags” with no military service? Better yet, how many parents has he pissed off with his copied condolence letters to fallen soldiers? SMH*

Ann Romney replied like a real mother, woman, wife and potential First Lady: “I would say it’s probably the hardest thing that a president and a first lady probably do is to comfort those that have lost a loved one and have gone in harms way,” she said. “I have seen my husband when he was governor of Massachusetts and I went with him. I didn’t go to every funeral, but he went to every funeral of a returning veteran and it was the hardest thing that Mitt had to do. It is an amazing country. We have the most extraordinary fighting men and women. Of course it’s hard and I don’t think any of us can understand that sacrifices that are being made by families.”

Funny how you had the opposite opinion 4 years ago when Obama was running against McCain – Whoopi!

We all know how risky it is to be at Harvard while McCain is fighting your wars for you. Please, tell us more of this dangerous Law School. Was the Ivy dangling off the wall in a dangerous manner?

Obama Free Phone SEIU Paid Protester

Update – 10/8/2012: Well, there was a reason why 1 million people in Ohio got free phones, more than double from last year and in an election year no doubt. It turns out that the company who owns the Free Phone Service and minutes plan is a Mutli Million Donor to Obama!

Update – 9/29/2012: Because the race card has NOT been played enough, the Democrats are whining that it is racist to post a video of an $11 an hour SEIU PAID protester who protested at a Romney rally saying Romney sucks, vote for Obama because he will give you a free phone. She probably did not pay ANY taxes on that $11 an hour she made from UNIONS who get their dues via FORCED union dues in exchange fo ra JOB!

Obama voter: Protester outside of Romney rally explains how Obama gives all minorities free phones and that is why they should vote for him. Cleveland Ohio, September 26, 2012

Democrats War on Men?

With all of the uproar over demanding companies and tax payers fund birth control and abortions 100%, that if one does not or protests in doing so, well then they are waging  a “war on women”l however, ironically with all of this time the Democrats are spending on women, they are refusing to support another large segment of society – MEN.

Do Democrats really hate men that much so as to not want to equally support and help them out in their time of need?

Women “need” birth control; men need Viagra. Women need breast cancer screening, men need prostate cancer screening. Women needs jobs because under Obama close to 1 million more women are unemployed; Men too need jobs, because MILLIONS more men under Obama are unemployed.

“Well, if we men adopted a victimization mindset, we could complain about lots of things. Here’s one: During our bad economic spell, many states helped close their budget shortfalls with high taxes on beer! It’s well-known that men consume way more beer than women, so aren’t such taxes sexist?”

“Where is the ACLU when you need it?”

“And did you know Medicare no longer covers Viagra? That’s going to have a terrible impact on my relationship with the wife during my retirement years.”

“And the beer tax?”

“That’s an egregious example of the never-ending war on men!”

You see, how come Democrats do not support Men like they do Women; do they hate Men that much that they are willing to discriminate against one gender in order to promote another?