Democrats Vote Against Amendment that Would Ensure Health Care Benefits are NOT Given to Illegal Aliens


House Committee Votes Against Preventing Health Care Benefits to Illegal Aliens

Thursday, July 30, 2009, 11:22 AM 

Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) offered an amendment to the House Energy and Commerce Committee this morning that would explicitly prohibit illegal aliens from receiving health care benefits under the health care reform bill (H.R. 3200). The amendment was narrowly defeated 28-to-29 after two Blue Dog Democrats on the committee voted against the amendment.

Under the health care bill, states would be required to automatically enroll non-traditional Medicaid individuals to the proposed government-run option, but the bill does not provide any language that would require the states to verify citizenship status before the enrollment. Rep. Deal’s amendment would require them to verify an individual’s citizenship status before automatically enrolling them.

“There are 11 million-plus illegal aliens in the nation,” Rep. Deal said during his introduction of the amendment. “We want to make sure that this bill does no extend benefits to those not in the country illegally.”

Preliminary data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform indicates that illegal immigrants already account for $10.7 billion in state and federal healthcare spending. Jack Martin, a FAIR special projects director, stated that this amount would go up unless reform legislation is modified. “The bill in its current form is in effect going to be tempting to illegal immigrants who are not yet receiving medical benefits,” Martin said. “We would expect that the cost would increase.”

A recent study by FAIR determined that healthcare reform would not have any real barriers against illegal immigrants enrolling in the taxpayer-funded public option, and that there would be no verification system to stop illegals from receiving credits to purchase private plans. What this boils down to is that taxpayers would end up paying for employers who hire illegal immigrants and then skimp on providing benefits.

The Center for Immigration Studies has put the number of illegal immigrants who do not have health insurance at 7.25 million. More than half of these — about four million — are probably employed, said Steven Camarota, a research director with the center. Camarota believes that it could cost anywhere from $8 billion to $12 billion annually to provide these illegal immigrants with insurance coverage, but there are many variables in the equation.

It is worth pointing out that while illegal immigrants are not supposed to be covered by President Barack Obama’s reform proposals, he always includes them when stating how many millions of “Americans” are uninsured. If the Center for Immigration Studies is correct, when the president talks about the 40-some million uninsured Americans he wants to cover, he is over-inflating the number by at least 7.25 million who are illegal immigrants. Then again, given Obama’s support for providing illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship, perhaps he means exactly what he says.

*****Notice that there are 6 NO Votes from California, a state where illegal aliens are given state ID’s and therefore are allowed to VOTE, received Welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, Education Assistance…etc….etc…etc….Interesting to say the least, isn’t it?******

A “Yes” vote for the amendment prevents illegal aliens from receiving benefits under health care reform bill.
Voted YES Count: 28
  • Shadegg (R-AZ)
  • Ross (D-AR)
  • Bono Mack (R-CA)
  • Radanovich (R-CA)
  • Stearns (R-FL)
  • Barrow (D-GA)
  • Deal (R-GA)
  • Gingrey (R-GA)
  • Shimkus (R-IL)
  • Buyer (R-IN)
  • Hill (D-IN)
  • Whitfield (R-KY)
  • Melancon (D-LA)
  • Scalise (R-LA)
  • Rogers (R-MI)
  • Upton (R-MI)
  • Blunt (R-MO)
  • Terry (R-NE)
  • Myrick (R-NC)
  • Sullivan (R-OK)
  • Walden (R-OR)
  • Murphy (R-PA)
  • Pitts (R-PA)
  • Blackburn (R-TN)
  • Barton (R-TX)
  • Burgess (R-TX)
  • Hall (R-TX)
  • Matheson (D-UT)

A “No” vote allows illegal aliens to receive benefits under health care reform bill.

Voted NO Count: 29

  • Capps (D-CA)
  • Eshoo (D-CA)
  • Harman (D-CA)
  • Matsui (D-CA)
  • McNerney (D-CA)
  • Waxman (D-CA)
  • DeGette (D-CO)
  • Murphy (D-CT)
  • Castor (D-FL)
  • Rush (D-IL)
  • Schakowsky (D-IL)
  • Braley (D-IA)
  • Sarbanes (D-MD)
  • Markey (D-MA)
  • Dingell (D-MI)
  • Stupak (D-MI)
  • Pallone (D-NJ)
  • Weiner (D-NY)
  • Butterfield (D-NC)
  • Space (D-OH)
  • Sutton (D-OH)
  • Doyle (D-PA)
  • Gordon (D-TN)
  • Gonzalez (D-TX)
  • Green (D-TX)
  • Welch (D-VT)
  • Christensen (D-VI)
  • Inslee (D-WA)
  • Baldwin (D-WI)

About UnPoliticallyCorrect

You know me well enough by now, which is that I am no fan of either establishment party, though sadly I did once in the past, play the game of the "Lesser of Two Evils", for which was tragic. Both seek absolute power, through their own self righteous perceptions of "morality", bastardizing the true concept of the founding of this country and the framing of the US Constitution. Clowns to the Left and the incessant need to control by bigger government while spending us into oblivion; Jokers to the Right and the incessant need to control by religion while spending us into oblivion. Oddly, both are the main two tenets for the founding of the country and framing of the US Constitution - Limited Government and Freedom From Religious Persecution & Religious Zealotry. View all posts by UnPoliticallyCorrect

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